100 Places To Travel In 2021

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At the end of last year, USA Today wrote a great article titled Pandemic wanderlust: 100 places we're yearning to travel in 2021 and beyond. As the article states,

“Canceled trips. Dashed plans to see family and friends. Missed opportunities to explore different places and cultures.

It was a year of disappointment for travelers as the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world. Health officials' advice not to travel, personal concerns and government-imposed travel restrictions to stem the spread…

But as COVID-19 vaccines begin to roll out, we're hopeful that 2021 will bring more opportunities to travel the globe – to the destinations we've been wanderlusting after during this trying year.”

The article does a good job of listing certain destinations along with other options such as “Anywhere my mom wants to go” and “Japan for the Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival.”

You can read the full article at www.usatoday.com/story/travel/destinations/2020/12/30/100-domestic-international-places-to-visit-after-covid-pandemic/4016674001/.

-Laura Flippin


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